Wednesday, NOVEMBER 25, 2020
St. Joseph Hall
East Third Street/Kentucky Avenue
Presented by: Monroe Firefighters IAFF Local 326
Serving times are 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00 p.m.
Drive Up/ Walk up Only. No Dining available.
Meals will be pre-packed and containing turkey, ham, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, and stuffing. One (1) dessert per meal consisting of cookies. A small container of cranberries will be available upon request. No substitutions available.
Vehicles please arrive and line up on Second Street facing towards Kentucky Avenue. The arrows on the map show the direction of travel.
Walk Up orders please arrive and line up on Third Street.
View November 25, 2020 Monroe Firefighters Thanksgiving Dinner Flyer
This COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO BEDFORD FAMILIES document contains details about on a variety of programs such as additional Food Assistance options, Eye Exams/Glasses, Parent Support Groups, and more. Some opportunities are seasonal so please check back.
If you have a need that is not included here or in the Community Assistance Available to Bedford Families document linked above, please reach out to your school counselor or the Student Support Coordinator for your school. They may be able to help point you in the right direction.