Dr. Shultz Reflects on 2020-21/Looks Ahead to 2021-22!

Dear Bedford Families,
I want to begin by once more thanking all of our families for your patience, persistence, and understanding as we have navigated through a different but very successful school year. The major changes that shaped the start of the 2020-2021 school year seemed daunting for all of us; however, the Bedford Community again proved there is nothing that we cannot accomplish when we work together. By the end of the year, district administration has been able to slowly remove a number of the mitigation strategies that were put in place and our students were able to participate in many of the traditional events and ceremonies that make BPS a great place to learn!
Some of the great success stories that I would like to share this year include:
Bedford High School being named as the top ranked high school in the Monroe County Area by US News & World Report, student growth scores in grades K-8 showing an amazing year’s average growth even with the reduced amount of learning time last school year, the introduction of new student programs at both the high school and junior high school while most other districts have been reducing programs, the successful passage of the community-supported county technology millage, and perhaps not as easy to see due to lack of quantitative data, but the resiliency that our students across all grade levels demonstrated as they adapted to the many changes placed in front of them. It really has been a remarkable year!
As students, staff, and families begin to ease into summer plans, district administration is already hard at work planning for the start of the 2021-2022 school year, a year that we expect to begin in a much more familiar design for everyone. The school day will be returning to our standard full day schedule with students and staff once again being able to see each other’s smiling faces as our state drops the final remnants of pandemic protocols on July 1, 2021. We will be completing over 14 million dollars in bond work this summer as we continue to update our district’s facilities to ensure safe, efficient, and comfortable learning environments districtwide. Finally, district leadership will begin the process of updating our BPS Strategic Plan over the course of the summer. The current plan is nearly six years old and many of the goals and strategies have been successfully completed. We will be sharing participation opportunities throughout the summer for individuals that would like to participate in this extensive process.
Bedford Public Schools continues to lead our county in academic achievement, academic programs, student opportunities, and community support. It is a great time to be a Kicking Mule. Thank you again for another outstanding year and I am extremely excited for what comes next!
Carl Shultz, Ph.D
Superintendent, Bedford Public Schools